
Complete GUI course

Desktop Application Programming

Java Programming Logo

Course credit regulations

Calculation of the final grade is based on:

  1. Project 0 - Computer Graphics (50%)
  2. Project 1 - JavaFX (50%)

You need to score at least 50% for each part.

According to art. 10.6 PJAIT Study Regulation, Students are obliged to attend classes. Only 2 unjustified absence are allowed.

Projects submitting

  • Project is an individual work.
  • Submitting a project please be prepared to answer some theoretical questions. If asked by the teacher, each student is expected to be able to modify a code. Not answering a question or not modifying the code results 0p. for a project.
  • You are allowed to discuss with other students the possible solutions. Doing your projects do it on your own. Don't use anyone else's solutions especially if you don't understand it.
  • Using materials from books etc. is allowed, however, you must refer to the source and understand the material.
  • Every project recognised as a plagiarism is disqualified without a possibility of retaking it.

Grading scale

Grade %
5 91-100
4+ 81-90
4 71-80
3+ 61-70
3 51-60
2 0-50
Łukasz Leśniewski
Barbara Karpowicz