Lesson 8

JavaFX controllers programming

Task 0

Create an empty window using IDE and JavaFX. You have to use 1.8 as java's version.

Task 1

Create an empty window using IDE, JavaFX and Maven. You have to use 14 as java's version.

Task 2

Create a fxml file and put there: 1 button and 2 text inputs. Display its content in window.

Task 3

Create a controller for .fxml file from previous task that:

  1. Each component has to have own fx:id and corresponding property in controller's class
  2. Button has an post-click action handler
  3. When I press a button, the application will take an integer value from first text field and put list of dividers of the value to the next input.
Task 4

Create a working calculator in JavaFX using .fxml created on previous lesson.