
Lesson 11


Task 0: Prepare IDE

1. Run Visual Studio 2017 (exactly this version, otherwise you can see differences).

Tworzenie projektu w Visual Studio

3. Click right mouse button on project and choose "Open Folder in File Explorer".

Tworzenie projektu w Visual Studio

4. Download SFML library for Visual Studio 15 (2017 Version) builded for 32 bits architecture and place content in projects' folder.

Download website (new tab)
Tworzenie projektu w Visual Studio

5. Click right mouse button on project and choose "Properties".

Tworzenie projektu w Visual Studio

6. Choose "C/C++ -> General" and add a path to "Additional Include Directories" new entry: "$(ProjectDir)\SFML-2.5.1\include". Variable "ProjectDir" determines path to project, it makes our path building more flexible.

Tworzenie projektu w Visual Studio

6. Choose "Linker -> General" and add to "Additional Library Directories" a new path entry: "$(ProjectDir)\SFML-2.5.1\lib".

Tworzenie projektu w Visual Studio

7. In "C/C++ -> Preprocessor" add a new compilation variable using semicolon as a separator: "SFML_STATIC".

Tworzenie projektu w Visual Studio

8. In "Linker -> Input" add in "Additional Dependencies" libraries, as you can see in preview.

Tworzenie projektu w Visual Studio

9. To the main folder of project copy all files with extension *.dll, which are place in SFML-2.5.1/bin

Tworzenie projektu w Visual Studio
Task 1

Copy the code written below and run your application.

#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>

int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
    sf::CircleShape shape(100.f);

    while (window.isOpen())
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)


    return 0;
Task 2: Computer graphics

Create an application based on SFML creates a window with specification:

  • 4 circles (30x30), unique colour each, randomly placed in space.
  • Circles should move in any direction and bounce off the banks.
  • If you press ENTER, app uses a fullscreen mode.
  • If you press ESCAPE, app ends a fullscreen mode.
Topic Documentation link
Docs Link
Drawing shapes Link
Input handling Link
Fullscreen Link